My sister-in-law was up from Pennsylvania last week. We had a great time painting, blueberry picking, quilting, and eating a lot of cheeseburgers! On Friday Michael and I took her up to Boston for her to tour Boston University. I was very impressed with the campus and I hope she considers it. Although that's easier for me to say considering I don't have to pick up the $40k price tag!
While she was here I took some senior portraits of her. Even though I've known Melanie for over 6 years I don't think I've ever taken a photo of her! She's so comfortable in front of the camera and has become a truly beautiful woman.
I'll be shooting Ashley and Mike's wedding next summer but we went out last week to take some engagement photos. These 2 are so cute! Mike can always make Ashley laugh and they're impossible to keep their hands off each other :)
Thanks guys for a fun afternoon and good luck on planning the rest of your wedding!
I spent my fourth of July with Dave, Erica, and their friends and family. This sweet couple tied the knot at the Aqua Turf in Southington, CT. I'm in the process of going through the heaps of photos from the day, but here's a sneak peek of some of my favorites :)
Our friends Rob and Ali invited a bunch of friends from church down to Rob's parents' beach house last Saturday. While the weather was a little chilly and overcast, we had a wonderful day relaxing on the beach and catching up with friends. I took the opportunity to take a ton of photos of all the kids. Follow the link to the slideshow :)
Saturday's wedding was something else. Krista and Aaron had a beach wedding and the weather just held out. In fact, just as dinner was about to begin the sun was setting over the Long Island Sound. We ran outside for a few more portraits while the lighting was perfect.
Thanks so much to Autumn who shot with me and Luan, a rockin' assistant.
Aaron and Krista, I hope you're enjoying Block Island!
Verse: James 1:19-20 "Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires."