Sunday, September 23, 2007

Nash Wedding

Natalie and I shot our last wedding together for 2007 yesterday :( I can't tell you how nice it has been to shoot together. She is one of the only people I know who I can talk to about PhotoShop actions and lighting with for hours. Literally hours. It's probably a good thing that she's so far away because if she was in Connecticut I'd never get anything done!

The wedding yesterday was a real blast (except for the bride and groom's Rolls Royce breaking down and then having to make their grand entrance to their wedding in Nat's Toyota Matrix). Julie and Ben are a case where opposites attract perfectly. The day was lovely and both the bride and groom seemed to be walking on clouds the entire day.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Rosie @ Elizabeth Park

Rosemary turned 1! This past weekend mom, dad, daughter, and I packed up and traveled to Hartford for a photo session. She was in such a great mood and the lighting was perfect. I couldn't have asked for a better shoot.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Yes...I've been tagged. This is something that's been going around blogs and requires the person to write 8 things about themselves. So, here we go.

1) I speak Norwegian. It's not something that comes in handy very often but I can hold a conversation if need be.

2) I still have a baby tooth. Both my brother and I were born without adult teeth in 2 places in our mouths. In one of my spots, my baby tooth fell out and I now have a space without a tooth. In the other spot my baby tooth is holding on!

3) When I went off to college I steered away from drinking and the like and, for the first time in my life, considered what I believed in. I became a Christian later that fall.

4) I hate Windows and proclaim the wonders of Macs to anyone who'll listen.

5) I am currently pursuing my master's degree in School Counseling from UMass but sometimes I wonder if I should make photography my full time career.

6) I graduated from RHAM High School in Hebron, CT. While there I lettered in basketball, soccer, and softball. I continue to play in a women's softball league but it isn't the same as before...

7) My best friends are a set of twins. They are also the only 2 people I keep in touch with from my high school. One works as a Special Education teacher in Bolton, CT and the other is a Graphic Designer in Glastonbury, CT.

8) Michael and I went on a couple dates in October of 2002 before I decided that I wasn't interested in him. Then he gave me an incredibly sweet Christmas gift (homemade banana bread, sheet music to my favorite song because he knew I was taking piano lessons the next semester, and a CD that I had been wanting). When I got home for Christmas break I called to thank him and within a week we had exchanged I love yous and knew we'd someday get married. We tied the knot last fall :)

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Mark & Joanie

Well, my big stretch is done! Five weddings in five weekends. Joanie and Mark got married yesterday at St. Clement's Castle in Portland. It's one of my favorite venues. The grounds are amazing and the help there is also really, well, helpful. Plus, the food they serve is to die for! It was such a great day. Joanie and Mark met at a punk rock club and their style came through from our very first meeting. I tried to do a few different things this wedding and I think they worked. Let me know what you think!

The Fair is Back

Michael and I visited the Hebron Harvest Fair last Thursday. I was doing double-duty, covering it for the newspaper as well as enjoying a night out. This is the first year I got to watch the demolition derby. Honestly, I think I enjoyed watching the reactions in the crowds more than the event itself. I won a blue ribbon in the photo contest. We saw baby pigs. And, I was informed by a 4-year old that cows are the smartest animal. Overall we had a really good time.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Whitney & Jake

Nick & Susan

Back from vacation and, therefore, back to work. Nick and Susan's wedding was on August 25. It was a hot, humid day making formals quite a production. Overall this was my most difficult wedding to date. I hadn't met the bride or groom prior to the wedding day (the bride's parents basically planned everything. The venue was right along a highway with only a small lawn in the back for formals. And, inside the reception hall had some very harsh lighting. I did the best I could but, still, I don't feel like this is my best work. At least the bride and groom are happy.