Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary

Two years.

Two years ago I was getting my hair done and praying the skies wouldn't open up. Two years ago I was freezing my butt off as I mistakenly thought my adreneline would keep me warm. Two years ago I got married.

A lot has changed since October 22, 2006. We've lived in three different places. We've started our Master's degrees. We've gone from best friends to, I don't know, but something more than best friends. In two years I've learned about and loved Michael more than I've ever thought possible.

So here's to you Mr. McCoy (even though you'll never get this shout out because you don't read my blog). Even though I may roll my eyes, I love how you rank every movie you see. I love how you take an hour to answer a question because you give everything (and I mean everything) serious thought. I love how you greet me when I walk the door and how the only thing you want in life is to be with me.

I love you.


n nigito said...

Happy anniversary :)

Susan said...

Happy Anniversary to an amazing and talented photographer to helped to make my wedding my favorite day. Congratulations on 2 years and best wishes for the future! -Susan Butterfield