Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Heblers and Company

A couple months ago I had the absolute pleasure of shooting my friend Leah's family photos. We had a BEAUTIFUL autumn day and her family had me in stitches the entire time.

After seeing the photos, one of Leah's friends called me to photograph she, her brothers, and all of their significant others as a present to their parents. Great. I was really excited to shoot both a family and couples at the same shoot.'s December and in New England you never know what that'll bring. Last week it was freezing, yesterday it was 55. Unfortunately our portrait day was accompanied by a cold, miserable, rain. It was the kind of day that made you want to stay in your pajamas not go outside for photos :(

Plan B was to meet at one of their houses for indoor portraits. Now this is always a challenge for me to a) light the room properly 2) think on my feet and come up with a good location in a home I've never been before. Plus, I had three different couples that I wanted to have different photos so that's 3x the amount of creativity. After a deep breath and remembering all the helpful portrait advice from Carla last month, I went to work. And, if I do say so myself, the photos aren't too shabby :)